Siap Naik ke Sales & Marketing Level Selanjutnya?
Dengan bantuan para expert, bisa dimulai sekarang!
JagaKsa Consulting membantu Anda mengembangkan skill terdepan, trend terkini, dan teknologi paling baru untuk mengantarkan divisi Anda ke level selanjutnya.

Popular Courses
#Key Account Management
Strategic Account Management
- R. Hery Herdiana
16 Hours

Mastery in negotiation
- R. Hery Herdiana
20 Hours

developing & selling joint business plan
- R. Hery Herdiana
24 Hours

#sales marketing
category & promotion management
- R. Hery Herdiana
16 Hours

How Retailers Run Their Business
- R. Hery Herdiana
16 Hours

Our Best System for the Learners
This training is designed to strengthen the knowledge and skills needed of Shopper Marketers to perform extraordinary. This training will be carried out for 2-3 days using lecturing, sharing, case study, exercise, store visit and workshop learning methods.
This training is designed to equipe the knowledge and skills needed for key account supervisors, executives and managers to become more effective in managing key account or modern trade stores. This training will be carried out for 2 days using lecturing, sharing, store visit exercise and workshop learning methods.
This training is designed to provide the knowledge and skills needed for Sales Managers to be more effective in negotiating with distributors and stores, both key accounts and traditional ones (offline and online stores). This training will be carried out for 2,5 days using lecturing, sharing, case study, video, exercise and role play learning methods. After training the participants will have a good MIND, SKILL AND TOOLS SET of negotiation.
This package training will be carried out for three (3) days employing eclectic methods such as lecturing, knowledge sharing, exercise, games, and workshop learning methods. After training the participants will have a good MIND, SKILL AND TOOLS SET of JBP. With better Mind Set, Skill Set, and Tools Set, the Sales team able to deliver their best performance in both financial and non financial aspects.
This training is designed to equipe the knowledge and skills needed for Key Account and Sales Managers to become more effective in managing Category, Promotion and Business Review to develop their respective accounts or area. This training will be carried out for 2 days using lecturing, sharing, exercise and workshop learning methods.
In this training, Sales Managers/KAMs will get 2 insights from Retail and Consumer goods experts. SMs/KAMs will learn and understand about retailer, their concept, their internal process, financial aspect, and operation. This package training will be carried out for two (2) days employing eclectic methods such as lecturing, knowledge sharing, store visit, and workshop learning methods. After training the participants will have a good MIND, SKILL AND TOOLS SET. With better Mind Set, Skill Set, and Tools Set, the Sales team able to deliver their best performance in both financial and non financial aspects.
Attend Live Courses

Law Disgust Passion Mountains Christianity.
- 09:30am, July 20th
- Victoria Cox, Philosophy

Ideal Deceptions Ocean Ocean Transvaluation.
- 10:30am, April 25th
- Mark Luke Harper, Philosophy
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Download Our Training Material
E-Learning App
September, 2020
38.9 MB
E-Learning App
September, 2020
38.9 MB

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Rufous For Business
Battle good abstract horror of. Endless transvaluation value noble burying convictions.